Bereavement Network Resources of Sacramento

Discover Healing Together

Providing Resources and Support For Grieving People

Grief Support - Bereavement Network Resources of Sacramento

Feeling Alone and Isolated? We Are Here To Help…

When a significant person in our life dies, we are often catapulted into a world of confusion and unbelievable emotional pain. Everything can change: relationships, health, daily routine, finances, living arrangements, socialization, and our very self. The Bereavement Network Resources offers supportive resources to help you process the feelings that come with grief.

Our Directory

We have created a directory to provide information about local resources that aid in the grief process. The directory is available to view online, but is also able to be ordered in larger quantities if necessary.

Our Volunteers

The BNRS is comprised of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds who have experienced loss and understand the support needed to navigate you through the healing process of grief.

Our Support

Empathy is woven into every detail of our mission; we and many of our partners are here to make this unbelievable journey through workshops and support sessions to help you navigate this difficult time.

Receive Support At These Events

We do our best to compile a list of workshops, conferences, meetings and other events to aid in navigating grief. You can find a full list of local events on our calendar.

Upcoming Events

Grief Support - Become Our Partner

Become An Affiliate Member

Our goal is to work with other organizations to ensure that local resources are easy to find and readily available for those in our community who are working through grief. We would love for you to become an affiliate partner.

Help Us Help Others

Volunteer With Bereavement Network Resources of Sacramento

Our organization is committed to improving the lives of those in need through community outreach and education. Discover how you can get involved and make a positive impact today.

We Rely On You To Help Us Support Our Community

“It’s so much darker when a light goes out than it would have been if it had never shone.”

John Steinbeck

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